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43.    Regulators  must  enforce  that  the  fees  and  charges,  established  for  services  and
               mandatory requirements expected of employers (e.g health, insurance, biometrics, etc) are
               adhered  to.  There  should  be  no  hidden  charges  imposed  on  PLKS  workers  and  that  such  fees
               should be paid by the employers as per agreement.

               44.    Regulators must enforce that authorised recruitment companies comply with the terms
               of their licence and establish safeguards against bonded labour or forced labour arrangements.

               45.    Regulators must enforce that employers do not employ undocumented workers.
               Immigration and the Police must in particular have effective programs to identify and
               repatriate undocumented workers without undue delay.

               Recognition and SOPs in use of PLKS Smart ID cards

               46.    The online system must have the capability to issue standard digitalized ID cards,
               including  virtual  SmartPhone Online  IDs  sourced from  biometric  information  and  the  PLKS
               worker unique ID number stored in the online database. All enforcement officers must give
               recognition to these Smart ID cards. Enforcement authorities must no longer demand sight of
               hardcopy IDs like passports whose absence currently constitutes an offence.

               Terminate Ops Mega 3

               47.    The Independent Committee recommends that with immediate effect the current
               enforcement program designated as Ops Mega 3 should be terminated. The operational
               objectives under this program are unclear and remain non-transparent with large elements of
               unreasonable arbitrary actions. This is causing unwarranted distress for employers and
               foreign workers. They also give rise to huge detention expenses compounded by inflexibility
               in easing fines for immigration offenses to allow for quick repatriation of detained
               undocumented workers.

               48.    The  Independent Committee  has  listed a  few  policy  changes  that enforcement
               agencies should consider as set forth in Box 9.

                 Policy Recommendations on Enforcement of PLKS System
                 1.     Subcommittee on enforcement of PLKS workers’ policies
                 2.     Proper governance and effectiveness in enforcement actions
                 3.     Recognition and SOPs in use of PLKS Smart ID cards
                 4.     Terminate Ops Mega 3

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