Page 59 - BPAReport
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50.     The  policies  applicable  to  the  licensing  of  recruitment  companies  for  foreign  workers
              will need to be reviewed and amended to be consistent with the overall Foreign Workers
              Management        Policy     recommendations      of     the      Independent     Committee.
              Eligible employers who are in the service outsourcing business.

              51.     The Independent Committee recommends that the businesses involved in the
              outsourcing of labour which are PLKS workers be prohibited.

              52.     The Independent Committee agrees that the outsourcing of business service functions
              is a legitimate business model, and thus, businesses can be formally registered to offer
              outsourced service functions, e.g. gardening, cleaning services, drivers, security/guard
              services, etc. Such outsourcing businesses are entitled to use PLKS workers so long as the
              service functions to be performed are in the eligible sectors, e.g. service sectors as security
              guards, cleaners, drivers, etc. or in construction sector as prescribed by CIDB, etc. However,
              the PLKS workers must then be on the payroll of the outsourcing company who will be liable
              for complying with all applicable labour policies and requirements under the Foreign
              Workers management policy.

              53.     MOHR will determine what constitutes legitimate outsourced service functions in
              which PKLS workers may be  deployed, following consultations with  concerned ministries
              and agencies, employer and employee representatives and civil society.

              Policy for standard employment contracts

              54.     The employment contracts for all PLKS workers will be standardised. All core
              components of the employment contract will be similar and variations only permitted to
              cover the requirements of source country legislation where applicable. The contents of the
              employment  contract  must  comply  with  Malaysian  employment laws  and  applicable
              international norms. The employment contract will in addition also be provided in the
              language of the source country (official translations).

              55.     The  employment  contract  will  be  attested  to by  the  PLKS  worker  before  departure
              from the source country. This same employment contract will then be attested to a second
              time  and  in  subsequent  occasions  at  the point  when  the  PLKS  is  first issued  or  upon  renewal
              of the PLKS.

              56.     The  employment  contract  should  be  both  in  digital  form  (mandatory)  and  in  hard  copy
              if needed. A copy must be provided to the PLKS worker in the source country language.

              Policy for the length of stay for a PLKS worker

              57.     The Independent Committee proposes that the duration of stay in Malaysia for a
              PLKS worker must not exceed 10 years. After 10 years of continuous stay under the PLKS,
              the worker must return to the source country. After a  period of at least 3 months from the date
              of departure, this same worker is eligible to reapply and return to Malaysia as a PLKS worker
              provided the worker is below 45 years of age.

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