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and  thereby  permit  the  foreign  worker  the  opportunity  to  complete  the  legal  process  to  seek
              redress for any grievance formally filed.

              78.     A monthly  report on the  main categories  and types of  complaints received should  be
              published as part of this online complaint mechanism. In addition, a summary of the actions
              taken to mitigate or resolve the complaints raised should be provided.

                 Policy Recommendations on Complaints Mechanism for PLKS Workers
                 1.     Online complaints component established within foreign worker management
                 2.     Accessibility and confidentiality of complaints mechanism to be assured
                 3.     Periodic reports on online complaints received and actions taken to be prepared
                 4.     PLKS worker should be permitted to stay to seek redress for work related grievance
                        and not automatically repatriated

              5.3.8   Policy recommendations on obligations applicable to source countries and MOUs
                      on PLKS workers

              79.     MOHR must establish a formal consultation process with relevant Malaysian
              stakeholders for each bilateral MOU to be negotiated or reviewed for amendments. The
              government must insist that this consultation process be practiced by source country authorities
              as well.

              80.     The Independent Committee recommends that the core contents of the bilateral MOUs
              with each source country should have standardised coverage and definitions.

              81.     MOUs  should  include  provisions  to  prohibit  mandatory  use  of  selected  and
              monopolistic service providers for recruitment and pre-departure training of prospective PLKS
              workers in source countries.

              82.     MOUs should include a detailed list of essential source and destination country
              recruitment and medical costs. MOUs must include a clear statement that all recruitment
              related costs (except for personal items, e.g. passport fees, clothing, etc.) must be borne by
              Malaysian employers.

                 Policy Recommendations on MOUs with source countries of PLKS workers
                 1.     Consultation process with relevant Malaysian stakeholders on MOUs mandatory.
                        Should also require source country to have similar consultations
                 2.     Core contents of the bilateral MOUs should be standardised
                 3.     MOUs should include provisions to prohibit mandatory use of monopolistic service
                        providers for recruitment and pre-departure training processes
                 4.     MOUs should include a detailed list of essential source and destination country
                        recruitment and medical costs
                 5.     MOUs must include clear statement that all recruitment related costs must be borne
                        by employers

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