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manufacturing and manufacturing related services sector of Malaysia. Approval for bringing
              in expatriates is decided within MIDA by the Jawatakuasa Teknikal Pegawai Dagang (JTPD)
              established in 2010.

              106.    The Jawatankuasa  Inspektorat  (JKI)  and Jawatankuasa  Ekspatriat (JKE)  within the
              Expatriate  Services  Division  of  the  Immigration  Department  of  Malaysia  (EDD-JIM)  manage
              the processes leading ultimately to issuance of Employment Passes and Professional Visit

              107.    Expatriate employment passes are granted to high skilled foreign workers who have
              the specialized skills and work experience required by industry which are absent in Malaysia
              or which cannot be supplied in sufficient numbers by Malaysian workers to meet demand.

              108.    Three categories of Employment Passes are issued to expatriates on the basis of
              salaries paid.
                      Employment Pass I (EPI) – issued to expatriates with salaries of RM10,000 a month and above;

                      Employment Pass  II (EPII)  - issued  to expatriates with salaries  of RM5,000  to  RM9,999
                      a month;

                      Employment Pass  III (EPIII) - issued to  expatriates  with salaries  of RM3000  to RM4,999
                      a month;

              109.    In the program managed by TalentCorp, a Residence Pass – Talent (RPT) is issued.
              Unlike EPs this pass has a duration of 10 years and need not be tied to any specific employer.

              110.    MIDA only approves expatriates with monthly salaries in excess of RM5,000. The
              duration of the EP for term posts are for up to 5 years and renewable. For key posts the EP
              can be held indefinitely.

              111.    ESD also issues Professional Visit Passes (PVP) for a maximum stay of 12 months to
              undertake specific tasks and projects.

              112.    Through October 2018 some 105,436 expatriates were recorded. In 2017 there were
              134,175 expatriates with 49% holding EPI passes, 40% with EPII passes, 9% with EPIII and
              1% with RPT. The fastest growing category of expatriates  has been EPIII, which grew by a
              massive 269% in 2017 and this category was only first established in 2016.

              5.5.1   Issues and problems

              113.    The agencies involved in the expatriates application and approval process and ESD
              each have differing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and the corresponding differing
              process flows. This has caused some confusion which on the whole may be considered
              manageable because until recently application volume has been manageable. There are
              however some inefficiencies because some processes continue to be manual while others
              have moved online.

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