Page 68 - BPAReport
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5.4.4   Supplement to CLEAR2019

               101.   CLEAR2019 will also provide for any undocumented worker to voluntarily register
               themselves to benefit from repatriation back to their country of origin. They will be processed
               quickly for repatriation to the country of origin. The Independent Committee recommends
               that  all  offences  resulting  in  liabilities,  punishment,  penalties  and  fees  associated  with  the
               violation of Malaysian immigration laws and regulations should be waived or discounted.
               The government of the origin country will be asked to assist the PATI-REG2 in the travel
               costs in case of financial need. Repatriation must take place expeditiously without undue

               5.4.5.  Enforcement actions to reduce the numbers of undocumented workers

               102.   On the basis of intelligence derived from the online foreign worker database, e.g. the
               location where foreign workers are concentrated and the economic sectors and subsectors
               they are frequently found in, enforcement authorities will step up action to identify and detain
               undocumented workers and keep their numbers low. In particular, enforcement actions
               should focus on undocumented workers who are self- employed and engaged in trading and
               similar businesses.

               103.   New regulations are to be enacted to impose or otherwise increase penalties on
               employers that knowingly employ undocumented workers, including for violations under the
               separate legislation covering Employment, Immigration, Health, Construction, etc.

               104.   All previous programs to regularize undocumented workers will first be suspended
               and thereafter terminated following due process and repayments of outstanding fees collected.

                 Policy Recommendations for managing undocumented workers
                 1.     CLEAR2019 a new far-reaching comprehensive amnesty program for
                        regularization of undocumented workers
                 2.     All procedures and processes under CLEAR2019, when available should be
                        undertaken online and no use of third party service providers be allowed. Pending
                        deployment of the single integrated online system, the new amnesty program should
                        proceed using existing systems.
                 3.     Separate CLEAR2019 for employers and CLEAR2019 for employees. There will
                        also be a supplementary component for undocumented workers who want to benefit
                        from repatriation with penalties waived or discounted.
                 4.     Step-up enforcement actions to maintain the numbers of undocumented workers low

               5.5    Policies for expatriates

               105.   There are several channels for firms to apply for expatriates to work in Malaysia.
               Agencies  involved  in the  application  and  approval  processes  include JPA,  BNM, Magic,
               IRDA,  ECSER,  MDEC,  TalentCorp  and  MIDA.  The  foreign  worker  identified  and  approved
               is then forwarded to the Immigration Department (JIM) for further action. For example,
               MIDA is one of the approval and regulatory authorities for the expatriate quota application
               system. MIDA oversees expatriates for deployment as skilled foreign workers in the

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