Page 71 - BPAReport
P. 71

Enforcement actions

              121.    The expatriate subcommittee will manage enforcement and evaluation actions to
              confirm compliance of the employers with the employment and other applicable laws,
              regulations, guidelines and good practices.

              122.    The  expatriate  subcommittee  will  seek  to  develop  a  user  friendly  accessible
              complaints mechanism for expatriates. They will prepare quarterly reports on issues and
              shortcomings raised affecting expatriates as well as the mitigating policies taken and
              envisaged. These reports will be disseminated to the general public.

                 Policy Recommendations for managing expatriates
                 1.     Regulation and management of expatriate policy be coordinated centrally by
                        MOHR through the OPRM.
                 2.     OPRM to develop online system integrated to NFWMS for expatriate application
                        and approval process as well as administration.
                 3.     Online module will have capability to issue standard digitalized Smart ID cards for
                 4.     OPRM will manage enforcement actions

              5.6     Policies for foreign domestic workers

              123.    Some bilateral MOUs guide Malaysia’s foreign domestic workers’ (FDW) policies
              with the source countries. Malaysia is not a party to the ILO Convention 189 which outline
              the employment laws, working conditions, and social protection mechanism for FDWs.
              Malaysia does not recognize the status of domestic workers. As of October 2018, there were
              127,373 FDWs with 90,118, or 70.17% from Indonesia and 32,997 or 25.91% from the
              Philippines. From 2015 to October 2018, it was reported that 23,520 FDWs fled from their
              employers of which some 16,304 were Indonesian FDWs.

              124.    Currently  the  management of the  process for deployment  of  FDW  is  under  the
              purview of the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM). The FDW is also provided with a
              PLKS. There are two methods for the employer when seeking to hire a FDW. The  first
              involves a direct application to JIM and the second method is through the Maid Online
              System (SMO). Operations also go through the Foreign Workers Centralized Management
              System (FWCMS). Applications can be made directly by the employer or a registered private
              employment agency on behalf of an employer.

              125.    For the first method, the process differs somewhat if the FDW is from Indonesia. On
              the basis of an MOU with Indonesia in 2011, the application for an Indonesian FDW must
              first be cleared by the Labour Department of MOHR (JTK) before the process can be
              completed by JIM. JTK will verify that the employer complies with Malaysian employment
              laws before providing clearance.

              126.    For the second method, the SMO application by the employer can be made for a FDW
              who is already in Malaysia, having entered the country with a tourist visitor’s pass.

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