Page 67 - BPAReport
P. 67

Regularizing the undocumented worker as persons who crossed the international borders
              into Malaysia other than through an official entry point and now seek work.

              97.     An undocumented worker who has crossed the international borders into Malaysia
              other than through an official entry point and now  seek  work will face more  stringent and
              stricter  conditions  and  must  be  registered  by  the  employer.  Such  an  undocumented  worker
              would be designated as PATI-REG3, must be below  45 years old on the date of registration
              and must be from an approved source country. Where available, this process will be
              undertaken using the corresponding segment of the online system where all details and
              information required of a PLKS worker will be captured. A system-generated ID and record
              will be generated.
                    a.  PATI-REG3 must bear the liabilities and pay all penalties and fees associated with
                      the violation of entering Malaysia illegally. As an incentive these penalties may be
                      waived or a discount offered.
                    b.  The registered PATI-REG3 must thereafter return to the source country, and after a
                      period of three months will be allowed to enter Malaysia as a PLKS worker
                      following the established online procedures.
                    c.  PATI-REG3 will follow the normal recruitment procedures for a PLKS worker and
                      be subject to all health, security and normal requirements of a regular PLKS
                      worker. As for a regular foreign worker, the cost for these procedures will be borne
                      by the employer. The total duration of stay in Malaysia for the PLKS issued to
                      PATI-REG3 where all requirements are met will be  the same as applied to a
                      normal PLKS worker, i.e. no more than 10 years in total.
                    d.  PATI-REG3 who do not meet the stipulated requirements and procedures stated
                      above will be processed for repatriation to the source or origin country. The
                      government of the origin country will be asked to assist the PATI-REG2 in the
                      travel costs in case of financial need.

              5.4.3   CLEAR2019 for employees

              98.     An  undocumented  worker can  also  independently  apply to participate  in CLEAR2019
              to  regularize  the  employment  status. Such  an undocumented  worker  would be  designated  as
              PATI-REG4 and can register, where available, using the component of the online system
              designed for this purpose. MOHR should make provisions to allow undocumented workers
              access to the online registration at MOHR employment centres. For registration to be
              successful,  the  undocumented  worker  must  be  below  45  years  old  on  the  date  of  registration
              and must be from an approved source country.

              99.     PATI-REG4 would  follow almost  similar  procedures as  set  out  for PATI-REG1  (must
              meet conditional acceptable mitigating circumstances) or REG2 or REG3 (they will face
              more stringent and stricter conditions), depending on whether the undocumented worker is a
              former PLKS worker, violated the tourist pass or crossed the border illegally.

              100.    A registered PATI-REG4 need not already have a job or offer of a job. In that case,
              following the registration, the PATI-REG4 has up to 6 months to find an employer and
              comply with all the PLKS requirements. The PATI-REG4 who do not meet the stipulated
              requirements and procedures will be processed for repatriation to the source or origin country.
              The government of the origin country will be asked to assist the PATI-REG2 in the travel
              costs in case of financial need.

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