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                  4.3 NAPFL Pillars                    knowledgebase on forced labour in the                      enforcement initiatives, legal reviews,  4.4 Strategic Goals
                                                                                                                  establishment of systems, among others
                                                       country, for use in advocacy and policy
                  The interventions in this            development. Strategic Goal 2 focuses                      and improved migration management
                                                                                                                  including enforcement. Strategic Goal 4
                  NAPFL fall under the ‘4Ps            Strategic  Goal  3   focuses   on                          on protection services and system links  The overall aim for the NAPFL
                  strategy to prevent and              strengthening migration management                         to law enforcement as the ability to refer  is that by 2025 the forced
                  eliminate forced labour’. This       capacity to prevent exploitation of                        victims to appropriate services and  labour incidence in                     National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                                                                                  protect them during investigation and
                                                       migrant workers.
                  strategy is based on ILO                                                                        possible court cases in line with the  Malaysia is reduced.
                  Recommendation 203 (R203)            The second “P” refers to protection of                     guiding principles above.
                  accompanying P29, to guide           victims. This pillar builds upon the                                                            Towards this aim, the NAPFL consists of
                  the implementation of the            fundamental principle that victims are                     The fourth and final “P” refers to   four Strategic Goals to be realised by
                                                       victims, not criminals, and they should
                  principles in ILO C29 and            be protected from discrimination, from                     multiple  partners  with  different  2025. These goals were defined by
                  P29.                                 their perpetrators and from becoming                       mandates, skills and specialisations are  consultations and stakeholders expect,
                                                       repeat victims. NAPFL Strategic Goal 2                     essential to tackle multi-causal, complex  that realising these goals will contribute
                                                       focuses on improving identification of                     issues like forced labour. The foundation  to the visions of the NAPFL, which is to
                  The first “P” refers to prevention of  victims, and Strategic Goal 4 on                         for  the  NAPFL  development  and    eliminate the use of forced labour in
                                                                                                                  implementation modality is partnership
                  forced labour. Prevention is often more  providing  victims  with  improved                     among federal and state government   any and all forms in Malaysia by 2030.
                  effective  than  cure  and  it  saves  services, and strengthening the systems                  agencies,  workers’  and  employers’
                  individuals from exploitation and abuse  for this.                                              organisations particularly MTUC and
                  and     potentially   traumatising                                                              MEF, recruitment agencies, industry    By 2025, there will be improved knowledge
                  experiences.  Prevention  strategies                                                            associations,  businesses,  NGOs,      base and awareness and understanding
                  typically address the root causes of  The third “P” refers to prosecution.                      academia etc. to work towards the same  of forced labour among workers and
                  forced labour to remove the drivers  R203, perhaps more accurately, talks                       goal of eliminating forced labour in   employers, young people, government
                  behind forced labour and prevent forced  about  law  enforcement  of  which                     Malaysia, as defined in this NAPFL.    staff and the general public;
                  labour from happening in the first place.  effective prosecution of perpetrators is
                                                       an element. Law enforcement also
                                                       encompasses such things as effective                       The following section describes the    By 2025, there will be improved legal
                  In this NAPFL, prevention            inspection regimes, police investigations                  NAPFL vision, guiding principles and   compliance and enforcement related to
                                                                                                                                                         forced labour;
                  strategies are the backbone          (that will collect evidence and enable                     pillars which are operationalised into  By 2025, migration management,
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  forced labour through  with legislation.  NAPFL.  Improved                                 By 2025, victims of forced labour will have
                                                                                                                  strategic goals and programme areas.
                  of Strategic Goals 1,2 and 3,
                                                       victims. Importantly, laws must be
                                                                                                                                                         including recruitment practices, will be
                                                       complied with and it is the duty of
                  which all intend to prevent
                                                                                                                                                         strengthened; and
                                                       businesses (and individuals) to adhere
                  addressing identified root
                                                                                                                                                         improved access to remedy, support and
                  causes of forced labour in
                                                                                                                                                         protection services and systems to prevent
                                                       Strengthening law enforcement and
                                                                                                                                                         forced labour will be improved.
                                                       compliance cuts across all the Strategic
                  Strategic Goal 1 focusses on raising
                                                       awareness on forced labour is expected
                  awareness about forced labour among
                                                       to lead to better compliance with
                  key target groups, including workers
                                                       legislation. Enhanced data collection and
                  and employers and increasing the
                                                       a stronger knowledge base will support
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