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 forced labour, if it goes ‘under the radar’.  By creating such a database, partners  forced labour in Malaysia and therefore

 4.5 Programme  Moreover, misconceptions about forced  will be able to draw comprehensive  the focus for Strategic Goal 3. Migration
                                                   management, by nature, is transnational
 labour (e.g., confusing victims with
              reports at different scales (e.g., national
 Areas  illegal aliens) may influence public  level, at state level, sectoral/industry  and the interventions under Strategic
 perceptions and make forced labour  level) and use these for analysis. The  Goal 3 fall into three interdependent
 harder to eradicate.  NAPFL prioritises, in particular, the  priority areas. First, the NAPFL intends to
              production of evidence-based policy  ensure that Malaysia enters into MOUs
 Each of the four Strategic  studies that will be useful for legal  and other Government to Government  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
 Goals corresponds to a  pre-condition  for  improved  review and planning.  cooperation with sending countries in

 programme area under the  understanding and an open, productive  the  region  to  ensure  transparent
                                                   processes and to encourage sending
 NAPFL. Each Programme  misunderstandings  and  facilitate  The Strategic Goal 2 Programme Areas  countries to play an active role in
 Area will cover interventions  effective action is robust data collection  will focus on building capacity for law  preparing their nationals for migrant life
 and information dissemination.
                                                   and work. This could be, for example,
 at tackling root causes and  government authorities, such as the  through  improved  pre-departure
 drivers of forced labour in  Labour Inspectorate. Equally important,  training for migrant workers. Secondly,
 Malaysia.  Therefore, the NAPFL  Programme Area 2 will include activities  the  NAPFL  intends  to  improve
                                                   recruitment procedures and processes,
 prioritises creating solid  employers and workers. Promoting  notably through improved regulation of
 understanding and open  stronger legal compliance will prevent  recruitment agencies. This could also
 The Programme Area under Strategic  dialogue about forced  forced  labour  from  occurring  in  become part of MOUs with sending
 Goal 1 focuses on increasing awareness  Malaysian workplaces, in both the  countries in addition to activities to
 and understanding of forced labour,  labour, as a pre-condition for  formal and informal sector. Hence, the  strengthen the operations of private
 both among individuals who are at  further action.  Programme  Areas  will  include  employment agencies in Malaysia.
 increased risk, among duty bearers and  information and outreach to business
 in the general public. 10  Understanding  owners in forced labour prone sectors
 forced labour and conducting evidence-  and  areas  to  ensure  that  they  Both of these priorities also intend to
 based discussions on forced labour is  understand their legal obligations.  prevent  forced  labour  through
 seen as an essential strategy to prevent  Therefore, the interventions will also  regularising  migration  and  protect
 and mitigate forced labour.  include data collection, analysis, and  migrant  workers  from  the  risks
 dissemination. The backbone of the  Moreover, workers will be informed  associated with irregular migration. The
 NAPFL data strategy is the creation of a  about their rights and about the ways in  third priority area under Strategic Goal 3
 If forced labour is a poorly understood
 database in the MOHR that will collate
              which they may access support and
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  able to protect themselves; families and  sectors and organisations.  Programme Area 2 links closely with the  support migrant workers at risk and
                                                   is improving capacity among migration
 data and information about forced
 and under-recognised issue, those who
              services, notably through the National
                                                   and other key officials, e.g., Labour
 labour from multiple sources, across
 may become victims are less likely to be
                                                   Inspectors, to identify forced labour,
 communities are less likely to be able to
                                                   implement the provisions of relevant
 protect their members; and duty bearers
              programme area 1 and the activities to
                                                   pieces of legislation. This includes, for
 are less likely to identify and address
              strengthen recruitment practices under
                                                   example, improved capacity to ensure
              Programme Area 3.
                                                   registered and able to obtain services.
 10 General public in this context means any person or group that
              As forced labour is very intricately linked
 may have an impact on forced labour directly or indirectly, and
 includes broad groups like ‘youth’, ‘consumers’ etc. More specific
              to the migrant workers in Malaysia,
                                                   Activities under Strategic Goal 3 will be
 definitions will be applied when activities are implemented
              improved migration management is a
                                                   coordinated very closely with activities
              key component in the efforts to prevent
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