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               Strategic Goals  Indicators (use existing  Means of  Who will do the  Frequency
                               indicators where possible)  verification  monitoring?

               Overall Goal: Forced  Prevalence rate of forced  Surveys  DOSM  Twice
               labour incidence is  labour in selected                     (Baseline
               reduced         industry/ies and/or nationally              and at the
                               by sex, age group, state, and               end of 2025)
                               Number of forced labour  Reports from  MOHR with  Annually  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                               victims (both trafficking and  complaints  MOHA
                               non-trafficking related)  mechanisms,
                               identified in Malaysia by sex,  CSOs, law
                               age group, state, and  enforcement
                               nationality          agencies
 Annex 2: National Action Plan on Forced  SG1: By 2025, there will  % increase in survey  Online polls  Awareness  Twice
               be an improved  respondents among workers  CSO and NGO  Committee  (Baseline
 Labour Monitoring and Evaluation  knowledge base and  and employers, young  feedback  Enforcement  and at the
                               people, government staff and
               awareness and
                                                                           end of 2025)
               understanding of  the general public who are    Committee
 Framework     forced labour among  aware about forced labour
                               indicators and are aware of
               workers and
               employers, young  means to report this
               people, government
               staff and the general
               public          Number of migrant workers  Report from  Awareness  Annually
                               11 , by sex, age group and  implementing  Committee
                               nationality who have received  partners /
                               information in their own  online polls
                               languages, about legal
                               migration pathways, labour  Employment
                               rights, complaints   contracts in
                               mechanisms, support options  native
                               and/or relevant legislation  language
                               relating to forced labour and
               SG2: By 2025 there will  Total number of forced  Working for  Legal and  Twice
               be improved  12  legal  labour complaints, filed  Workers  Enforcement  (Baseline
               compliance and  through the Working for  reports  Committee  and at the
               enforcement related to  Workers app  Working for  Legal and  end of 2025)
               forced labour
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025) National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  Working for Workers app,  reports  Committee  and at the
                               Number of forced labour
                               complaints, filed through the
                               that lead to Department of
                                                                           end of 2025)
                               Labour investigation,
                               mediation and/or

              11 This includes both documented and undocumented migrant workers
              12 When measuring improvement in the compliance and enforcement of legislation over time it is important to triangulate information
              from the different indicators and look at the full pattern as different developments may not be understandable in isolation. For example,
              improved capacity for law enforcement may lead to an increase in prosecutions initially, but as awareness on forced labour increases
              among workers and employers, improved compliance with legislation in workplaces may lead to decreases in the number of prosecutions
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