P. 74

74                                                                                                                                                                              75

                   Strategic Goals  Indicators (use existing  Means of  Who will do the  Frequency                 Strategic Goals  Indicators (use existing  Means of  Who will do the  Frequency
                                   indicators where possible)  verification  monitoring?                                           indicators where possible)  verification  monitoring?

                                   Number of prosecutions that  Court registers  Legal and  Twice (BL &            SG4: By 2025, victims  Number of forced labour  MOHR and  Protection and  Annually
                                   lead to convictions (including  Enforcement  at the end of                      of forced labour will  cases filed, where victims  MAPO reports  Remedies
                                   all cases, both those           Committee   2025)                               have improved access  have received legal and other  Committee
                                   generated through the                                                           to remedy, support  protection support
                                   working for workers app and                                                     and protection services
                                   other means)                                Yearly                              and systems to prevent  % of workers surveyed who  Surveys  Protection and  Baseline and  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                                                                                   forced labour will be  have used or have the means  Remedies  end of 2025
                                   Number of public reports  Public reports  Legal and  Annual                     improved        to access complaints            Committee
                                   from non-government             Enforcement                                                     mechanism on forced labour
                                   agencies and the media          Committee                                                       Government SOP on   SOP         Protection and  Once by the
                                   reporting positive                                                                              protection of victims of        Remedies    end of the
                                   developments in legal                                                                           forced labour (both             Committee   NAPFL
                                   compliance of companies
                                                                                                                                   trafficking and non-
                                   ATIPSOM Act and      ATIPSOM Act  Legal and  Once by the                                        trafficking) developed with
                                   Employment Act amended to  and  Enforcement  end of the                                         inputs from workers’ and
                                   issues on legal definitions  Employment  Committee  NAPFL                                       employers’ representatives
                                   relating to forced labour  Act                                                                  and CSOs
                                   No. of labour inspections  Report from  Legal and  Annual
                                   conducted where      Department of  Enforcement
                                   enforcement agencies  Labour in  Committee
                                   provided the employers with  Peninsular
                                   information about forced  Malaysia,
                                   labour and migrant workers’  Sabah and
                                   rights               Sarawak
                                   No. of trade unions that have  Trade union  Legal and  Annual
                                   a clear policy on protecting  reports  Enforcement
                                   vulnerable groups including     Committee
                                   migrant workers, and who
                                   have active organizing
                                   initiatives efforts, including
                                   promoting trade unions
                                   among migrant workers

                                   Increases in the number of  Company  Legal and  Annual
                                   companies with a no-forced  reports  Enforcement
                                   labour company policy and
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  A national labour migration  National  Labour  Once by the
                                   forced labour prevention and
                                   mitigation measures in place

                                   management strategy that
                                                                               end of the
                                   protects migrant workers’
                                   labour rights is in place
                                   % of workers
                                                        Survey / polls
                                                                               Baseline and
                                                                               end of 2025
                                   that have paid zero
                                   recruitment fee
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77