P. 19


              1.1 Background
                                                   For the purpose of this NAPFL,
                                                   forced labour is defined as
              This National Action Plan on         “all work or service which is
              Forced Labour (NAPFL) sets           exacted from any person
              out the commitments of the           under     the   threat    of   a        National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              Government of Malaysia to            penalty and for which the
              eliminate forced labour in           person has not offered
              Malaysia.                            himself        or        herself

              Through this NAPFL, the Government,
              workers’ and employers’ organisations -  This definition is contained in article 2 of
              particularly the Malaysian Employers  ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labour
              Federation (MEF) and Malaysian Trades  (1930). The definition is the globally
              Union Congress (MTUC) - and other civil  agreed definition of forced labour and
              society  organisations  in  Malaysia  Malaysia has ratified the Convention in
              commit  to  working  together,  to   1957.
              implement the activities in the NAPFL
              towards eliminating the practice of
              forced labour in the country. The    The definition covers various forms of
              timeframe for the present NAPFL is   forced labour. Victims of forced labour
              2021-2025, but a continuation of the  may be forced, coerced or tricked into a
              plan may be required from 2026 to    forced labour situation. Once caught in
              ensure that Malaysia is indeed free of  forced labour, victims are unable to
              forced labour in all its forms.      freely leave work because they face the
                                                   “menace of a penalty”, such as ‘fines’ by
                                                   the employer or being expelled as
              It is also recognised that this NAPFL is a  undocumented; because they are bound
              living document and adjustments may  by debt (debt bondage); because they
              be needed during the course of       are threatened with violence or other
              implementation      to      reflect  repercussions to themselves or their
              developments.                        families or because they have had their
                                                   personal papers and travel documents
                                                   confiscated or any other means of
                                                   threats  or  penalty  that  makes  it
                                                   impossible to leave their employer. It
                                                   also includes loss of privileges including
                                                   career advancement.
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