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              Elimination of forced labour, along with  The 2018 CEACR report on Malaysia’s  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              human trafficking and child labour, is  implementation of C29 highlighted
              also an explicit priority under the  migrant workers’ vulnerability to forced
              Sustainable development Goals (SDGs).  labour. This NAPFL is part of the
              SDG Target 8.7 is a globally agreed  Government’s obligation to implement
              target on the eradication of forced  C29 and address the vulnerability of
              labour  by  2030,  something  the    migrant workers in line with the
              government of Malaysia is committed to  recommendations from the CEACR. The
              achieve.                             Government’s commitment to uphold
                                                   and protect human rights in more
                                                   general terms, as expressed in the
              Through the ratification of ILO C29,  acceptance  of  recommendations
              Malaysia is committed to the abolition of  received by Malaysia for its Third
              forced labour, through implementing  Universal Periodic Review (UPR) also
              the provisions of the Convention. This  includes a commitment to eradicate
              means that Malaysia has a legal      forced labour in Malaysia.
              obligation to implement the provisions
              of C29 and report on the progress.
              Reports are submitted through the ILO  The elimination of forced labour is both
              reporting mechanisms and are subject  an obligation under international law, a
              to review by the Committee of Experts  moral imperative and important to
              on the Application of Conventions and  ensure  a  thriving  economy  and
              Recommendations (CEACR). The reports  harmonious  social  development,
              of the Committee are made public and  notably in the context of achieving the
              member States are expected to act    SDGs particularly SDG target 8.7.
              based on the Committee’s requests.
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