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              Annex 1: NAPFL Results Matrix
                                 NAPFL GOAL: Forced labour incidence is reduced

               No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of
                                                                      achievement of
                                                                      outcome              National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)

               1   By 2025, there will be an  1.1. Workers and  Conduct a rapid national forced  2023 (partially), 2025
                   improved knowledge  employers have  labour awareness assessment
                   base and awareness and  increased knowledge  among companies to assess their
                   understanding of forced  on forced labour and  level of understanding and
                   labour among workers  are better able to  awareness of forced labour in their
                   and employers, young  combat forced  operations.
                   people, government staff  labour, including in
                   and the general public  the supply chains
                                                Engagement with employers/
                                                identified industry players/labour
                                                recruiters, and workers to raise
                                                awareness on issues such as:
                                                a) Relevant legislation relating to
                   (Implementation to be
                   coordinated by the           employment of migrant workers,
                                                including fair and decent wages,
                   Technical Committee          passport retention and penalties for
                   on Awareness)                offences, forced termination of
                                                b) Ethical recruitment practices;
                                                c) Forced labour indicators including
                                                debt bondage; and
                                                d) Combating labour trafficking.

                                                Require Human Resources
                                                managers of companies to undergo
                                                pre-recruitment approval
                                                orientation where in the module will
                                                cover all relevant laws, forced and
                                                child labour including human
                                                trafficking, gender dynamics and
                                                other relevant matters conducted by
                                                the MOHR as a prerequisite for
                                                getting necessary permits from

                                                Sharing and disseminate
                                                information with multinational
                                                companies on forced labour-related
                                                policies and guidelines, including on
                                                recruitment fees definition,
                                                recruitment cost remediation,
                                                approved recruitment agencies to
                                                follow, grievance mechanisms to
                                                enable them to enforce these
                                                requirements with their Malaysian
                                                suppliers as well as recruitment
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