P. 59


               No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of
                                                                      achievement of

                                                Hold town-hall meetings and other
                                                events to raise awareness and
                                                mobilise Malaysian and migrant
                                                communities and other
                                                stakeholders including Embassies to
                                                participate in action against forced       National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                labour, with consideration of hybrid
                                                meetings where outreach even to
                                                the undocumented population is
                                                made possible (for example, face-to-
                                                face with online options).

                                                Establish feedbacking mechanism
                                                from the public about forced labour
                                                issues in Malaysia.

                                                Publicly share key reports or
                                                updates on the progress of
                                                implementing the NAPFL.

                                                Develop platforms for focused
                                                discussions and consultations with
                                                the private sector to identify
                                                opportunities for collaboration and
                                                sharing of experiences, good
                                                practices and lessons learned.

                                                Require employers to put forced
                                                labour posters from the
                                                government, and include in labour
                                                inspection checks.

                                                Encourage oil palm owners and
                                                operators to make public
                                                declarations that they will respect
                                                and raise awareness of workers’
                                                rights within the ambit of the law,
                                                and refrain from using coercion,
                                                deception and fraud in dealing with

                                                Encourage large companies with
                                                good labour practices to share their
                                                best practices with small and
                                                medium-sized companies for them
                                                to emulate and improve overall
                                                worker welfare in the sector.
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