P. 60


                   No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of
                                                                          achievement of

                                       1.3. Robust forced  Conduct baseline mapping exercise  2022
                                       labour data  to identify what sources of data on
                                       collection, analysis  forced labour are available from
                                       and dissemination  different stakeholders, and what
                                       systems are  gaps exist in existing data sources.

                                                    Collect data that are not available as
                                                    per mapping and establish a forced
                                                    labour database collecting
                                                    information across different
                                                    authorities and organisations, with
                                                    strong respect for privacy and victim
                                                    protection and taking into account
                                                    gender dynamics.

                                                    Develop Government Mechanism to
                                                    collect national statistical database
                                                    on forced labour.

                                                    Regularly analyse data (from
                                                    database) to identify trends and
                                                    possible policy gaps and
                                                    recommendations, monitoring and
                                                    evaluation of national action plan
                                                    implementation, reporting
                                                    commitments under national,
                                                    international, and regional (for
                                                    example ASEAN-level) reporting

                                                    Publish or share reports from data
                                                    Undertake a gender and age
                                                    sensitive analysis of gaps in policies
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  2  By 2025 there will be  2.1. Relevant laws or  Amend relevant provisions of the  2022
                                                    and legislation in order to allow
                                                    revisions as required. (NAPTIP)

                                                    Employment Act to introduce
                                       policies revised to
                       improved legal
                       compliance and
                                       address forced
                                                    offence regarding forced labour,
                                       labour and
                                                    with strong punishment.
                       enforcement related to
                       forced labour
                                       protection support
                                                    Amend policies that tie migrant
                       (Implementation to be
                                       for all victims of
                                                    workers to their employers, and
                                       forced labour
                       coordinated by the
                                                    develop other strategies to prevent
                       Technical Committee
                                                    abscondment, and address high
                       on Law and
                                                    recruitment fees paid by employers.
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