Page 8 - BPAReport
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              3D                           Dirty, Dangerous and Difficult
              ACMW                         ASEAN Committee on Migrant Workers
              ASEAN                        Association of Southeast Asian Nations
              CIDB                         Construction Industry Development Board
              CLEAR2019                    New Amnesty Program
              CSO                          Civil Society Organizations
              DR                           Dependency Ratio
              EIS                          Employment Insurance Scheme
              EP                           Employment Pass (Expatriates)
              EPF                          EPF Employees Provident Fund
              ePPAX                        Sistem Pengurusan Pekerja Asing Bersepadu
                                           (Foreign Workers Integrated Management System)
              ESD JIM                      Expatriate Services Division of the Immigration Department of
              FOMEMA                       Foreign Workers’ Medical Examination Monitoring Agency
              FDW                          Foreign Domestic Worker
              FW                           Foreign Worker

              I-CARD                       Immigration Card
              ID                           Identification Document
              ILMIA                        Institute of Labour Market Information and Analysis
              ILO                          International Labour Organization
              IMM13                        Immigration Pass 13
              ISC                          Immigration Security Clearance
              JIM                          Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (Immigration Department of
              JKB                          Jawatankuasa Bebas (Independent Committee)
              JKE                          Jawatankuasa Ekspatriat (Expatriate Committee)
              JKI                          Jawatankuasa Inspektorat (Inspectorate Committee)
              JKK-PA                       Jawatankuasa Kabinet Pekerja Asing
                                           (Cabinet Committee on Foreign Workers)
              JTPD                         Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pegawai Dagang
                                           (Technical Committee on Expatriates)
              KPI                          Key Performance Indicators
              LTSVP                        Long-Term Social Visit Pass
              MIDA                         Malaysian Investment Development Authority
              MITI                         Ministry of International Trade and Industry
              MOA                          Ministry of Agriculture
              MOF                          Ministry of Finance
              MOHA                         Ministry of Home Affairs
              MOHE                         Ministry of Higher Education
              MOHR                         Ministry of Human Resources
              MOU                          Memorandum of Understanding
              MPIC                         Ministry of Primary Industries
              MYIMMS                       Malaysia Immigration System
              NFWMS                        National Foreign Workers Management System
              NGO                          Non-Government Organization
              NIOSH                        National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

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