Page 9 - BPAReport
P. 9

OFW                          Other Foreign Workers Subcommittee
              OIG                          Online Integrated Foreign Worker Management Gateway
              OPRM                         Overall Policy Review and Monitoring Committee
              OSC                          One Stop Centre
              PATI                         Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (Undocumented Foreigner)
              PLKS                         Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (Temporary Employment Pass)
              PWM                          PLKS Workers Management Subcommittee
              PVP                          Professional Visit Pass
              PLKS                         Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (Temporary Employment Pass)
              RELA                         Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia (Peoples Volunteer Corps)
              SOCSO                        Social Security Organization
              SOP                          Standard Operating Procedures
              SPIKPA                       Skim Perlindungan Insurans Kesihatan Pekerja Asing
                                           (Foreign Workers Medical Protection Insurance Scheme)
              SPPA                         Sistem Permohonan Pekerja Asing (Bangladesh)
                                           (Foreign Workers Application System (Bangladesh)
              SUHAKAM                      Human Rights Commission
              TOR                          Terms of Reference
              TVPRA                        Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
              UN                           United Nation
              UNHCR                        United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
              US-DOL                       United State - Department of Labour
              VLN                          Visa Luar Negara (Foreign Nationals Visa)

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