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 No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of  No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of
 achievement of                                                       achievement of
 outcome                                                              outcome

 Implement targeted awareness                   Hold town-hall meetings and other
 raising to support the                         events to raise awareness and
 implementation of the other NAPFL              mobilise Malaysian and migrant
 interventions, e.g. awareness about            communities and other
 freedom of association and how it              stakeholders including Embassies to
 protects workers against forced                participate in action against forced       National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
 labour, awareness to employers                 labour, with consideration of hybrid
 about due diligence and                        meetings where outreach even to
 remediation responsibilities and               the undocumented population is
 gender dynamics in forced labour.              made possible (for example, face-to-
                                                face with online options).

 Disseminate information materials
 to workers and employers about                 Establish feedbacking mechanism
 ATIPSOM Act and labour laws                    from the public about forced labour
 relating to forced labour and child            issues in Malaysia.
 labour. (NAPTIP)

 Develop communication strategy
 including dissemination plan for               Publicly share key reports or
 informational materials that are               updates on the progress of
 simple and easy to understand,                 implementing the NAPFL.
 taking into consideration workers’
 literacy, gender needs and other
 important factors.

 1.2. The general  Implement awareness-raising  2023 (partially), 2025  Develop platforms for focused
 public (community  targeted to increase the public’s  discussions and consultations with
 key stakeholders)  knowledge about indicators of  the private sector to identify
 have increased  forced labour and how to report  opportunities for collaboration and
 knowledge on forced  these cases.              sharing of experiences, good
 labour and are better                          practices and lessons learned.
 able to take action
 against it  Government issues statements and
 raise awareness against                        Require employers to put forced
 xenophobia, that has an impact on              labour posters from the
 how migrant workers are treated                government, and include in labour
 and exploited.
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  sectors known for TIP and forced  declarations that they will respect
                                                inspection checks.
                                                Encourage oil palm owners and
 Awareness programmes to target
                                                operators to make public
 labour such as domestic work,
                                                and raise awareness of workers’
 hospitality, fisheries, plantation,
                                                rights within the ambit of the law,
 manufacturing and construction.
                                                and refrain from using coercion,
                                                deception and fraud in dealing with
 Enhance implementation of relevant
 media campaigns (for example
 advertisements in public transport
                                                Encourage large companies with
 systems) targeting children, young
                                                good labour practices to share their
 persons, parents, men and women
                                                best practices with small and
 migrant workers and the general
                                                medium-sized companies for them
 public on forced labour and child
                                                to emulate and improve overall
 labour. (NAPTIP)
                                                worker welfare in the sector.
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