P. 71


               No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of
                                                                      achievement of

                                   4.2. Improved  Increase the number of support  2023, 2025
                                   national capacity to  services (e.g. shelters, freedom of
                                   protect and support  movement, skills training
                                   victims of forced  opportunities, employment
                                   labour and prevent  opportunities) for victims of forced
                                   that vulnerable  labour, starting with establishing a   National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                   workers become  new shelter in Sarawak.
                                   victims through
                                   establishing better
                                   systems and
                                   procedures and  Conduct needs assessment to check
                                   training relevant  if the views of victims have been
                                   stakeholders  taken into consideration and that
                                                support services made available are
                                                relevant to their needs.

                                                Train law enforcement officials and
                                                court staff, workers, employers,
                                                NGO representatives, labour
                                                attaches or consular officers,
                                                religious and community leaders on
                                                forced labour and ways to support
                                                victims and prevent forced labour.

                                                Support businesses to establish
                                                human rights departments and
                                                implement prevention and
                                                remediation measures, using
                                                experiences from existing initiatives.

                                                Develop and implement a specific
                                                remediation plan at national or state
                                                level, identifying specific key actors
                                                and their mandates and ensuring
                                                coordination and nation-wide
                                                coverage of remediation and
                                                support services.

                                                Disseminate guidelines on national
                                                referral mechanism, with clear roles
                                                and responsibilities of different
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