Page 95 - BPAReport
P. 95

FW Complaints segment:
                         It is strongly recommended that a formal online complaints segment be
                         established within the single online PLKS Application and Approval System.
                         Filing  of   complaints   through  this   online  mechanism    will   ensure  that
                         confidentiality of the worker or other stakeholders reporting any grievance will be
                         protected. At the same time, the online standardised complaint form would be
                         simple but detailed  enough to  ensure that sufficient information  is provided to
                         assess the veracity of the complaint without disclosing the identity of the

                         Levy Payments:
                         All levy payments are to be made online via online banking arrangements for
                         deposit to an account to be established by the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance.
                         There will be options to make upfront full payments or quarterly payments. Any
                         claims   for  reimbursements   of   levy   will  also  be    accomplished   online.
                         Confirmations of payment of levy associated with each PLKS worker will be
                         linked to issuance or renewal of the corresponding PLKS.

                         Other Fees and Service payments:
                         Online banking arrangements and information for confirmation of payments may
                         also be developed for related services e.g. health screening, PLKS renewal fees,
                         insurance,  etc.  Payment   confirmation  will   be   uploaded   online  using   a
                         standardised format into the database.

                         Existing Systems:
                         This comprehensive integrated online system may be developed by building upon
                         components of the existing computerised systems. All current concession
                         contracts with outsourced service providers have to be reviewed to ascertain that
                         they comply with correct procurement practices. If not, they should be
                         renegotiated and retendered based on a single platform solution where the
                         multiple MOHA agencies database and biometric security software may be
                         integrated to support the NFWMS.

                         Selected advantages of this single integrated online system:

                                   Remove inefficiency  and bureaucratic unnecessary procedures  of the
                                current mix of manual, face-to-face, multiple electronic and discretionary
                                   Allow  easy  tracking  and  monitoring  of  the  employment  of  foreign
                                workers by MOHR, MOHA and all other enforcement agencies authorised
                                for access.
                                   Reduce unnecessary cost currently borne by employers and foreign
                                   Produce real time  management indicators  to  develop evidence based
                                policy responses to issues and problems that may emerge.
                                   Diminish the need for special ministerial approval that give rise to
                                inconsistencies in policy implementation.
                                   Increase timeliness, reliability and consistency of information and
                                statistics on foreign workers.

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