Page 96 - BPAReport
P. 96

Removal of discretion in decision making by the online decision
                                algorithm will eliminate corrupt practices and delays in the approval
                                    Integration and digitalization of currently outsourced processes and
                                procedures   will  remove   opportunities  for  corruption,  rent  seeking,
                                monopoly and market capture from preferential appointment of service
                                providers, and reduce the incidence of cascading and unnecessary increases
                                in fees and charges.

              5.      The online PLKS system may include the establishment of a portal as the repository
              of information on the laws, rules, regulations and policies of employment to cover all
              categories of foreign workers in Malaysia. This portal could serve as the one-stop information
              centre for all interested parties to access any information regarding foreign workers.

              6.      The real time database will be managed by MOHR agencies for monitoring and
              management of foreign workers and their employers.

                      III.   The Undocumented FW Online System

              7.      The Independent Committee recommends that a new  far-reaching comprehensive
              amnesty  program for  regularization of  undocumented workers be  introduced and be
              integrated as a separate module into the single online foreign worker application and approval
              system and database within the comprehensive foreign workers management framework.
              This  new  amnesty  program  (CLEAR2019)  will be  open  for  the  participation  of
              undocumented workers for regularization over a 12-18 month period following the effective
              operating date.

              8.      There will be an online segment for integrating selected undocumented workers into
              the PLKS framework of the online system.

                      IV.    The Expatriate Online System

              9.      MOHR working with relevant stakeholders in a subcommittee administering the
              expatriate program, must design a module for management of expatriates to be integrated into
              the single online application and approval system. Information from the expatriate module
              will feed into the central database of the system.

              10.     With the online system the SOP of all agencies with oversight and regulatory roles
              will be standardised. An algorithm for approval including the use of a dependency ratio quota
              mechanism (similar to the PLKS worker multi-tier levy system) will be developed and built
              into the module to remove as much as possible discretion in the decision making process for
              approvals.  In particular, the criteria for determination of the  need for the  expatriate and  the
              strategic importance of the industry asking for such skilled professionals within the
              government’s growth objectives will  need to  be  identified and quantified  within the decision

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