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              1.      Mandate

              1.1     The Special  Task  Force  on  Foreign  Workers'  Management  in  Malaysia,  in  a meeting
              on 14 August 2018 chaired by YAB the Prime Minister, agreed to set up an Independent
              Committee on the Management of Foreign Workers (the Independent Committee). The
              Independent Committee would be headed by a former judge or a high level government
              officer (e.g. a former Secretary General). The Institute of Labour Market Information and
              Analysis (ILMIA), Ministry of Human Resources is to be the Secretariat to the Independent
              Committee. The task of the Independent Committee is to examine the overall policy and
              management  of  foreign  workers  in  the  country  and  to  make  appropriate  recommendations  to
              the Government.

              1.2     On 29 August 2018, the Cabinet Committee agreed with the decisions made by the
              Special Task Force on Foreign Workers' Management on 14 August 2018 to form an
              Independent Committee headed by a former Judge or  a former high level government officer
              with ILMIA acting as the Secretariat.

              1.3     The Cabinet Committee, on 19 September 2018, agreed that the Independent
              Committee  will  need  to  review  the  overall  policy  and management  of  foreign  workers  and
              that the Committee be given until November 2018 to complete the research and to present its
              Report,  which  shall  contain  its  findings  and  recommendations  for  improvement,  for  the
              consideration of the Cabinet Committee.

              2.      Composition

              2.1     The Independent Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members, including the Chairman.

              2.2     The membership of the Independent Committee shall consists of a former Judge,
              academic representatives, the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM), the Bar Council,
              Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and competent individuals.

              2.3     The Committee will be headed by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

              3.      Responsibilities and Duties

              The responsibilities and duties of the Independent Committee are:

              3.1     To study and review all policies and procedures related to foreign workers management
              in Malaysia;

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