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processes  that  will  emulate  the eventual on  line  system  with  the  embedded decision
              algorithms of the multi-tier levy system. This will slowly  reduce the functions of the onestop-
              centre and speed up the application and approval process for foreign workers.

              8.      The   Independent   Committee   strongly  recommends    an   immediate   post-mortem
              Parliamentary White Paper study on undocumented workers with particular focus on the
              rehiring vendors abuses, exploitation, and malpractices including illicit collection of fees,
              appointment of multi-tier brokers, breaches of Immigration and KDN ICT system operations
              and rampant ministerial approval of quota to non-qualified rent seekers.

              9.      The government must immediately halt all Operation Mega 3.0 activities. The focus
              should be on facilitative repatriation activities, a reversal of stringent immigration penalties to
              be replaced by an amnesty incentive for an appropriate period of time.

              10.     As another facet of interim measures, MOHR in coordination with other agencies will
              need to review, examine, evaluate or rectify the contractual agreements with outsourced
              service  providers  and concessionaires.  The  main  objectives  of  the  exercise  here  would  be to
              either re-integrate such functions into the online system to  be  performed by government or
              build upon those digitalised functions that are considered to be effective.

              11.     The Independent Committee recommends that an immediate Transition Committee be
              formed to begin the process of transferring the management of foreign workers recruitment,
              retention, and repatriation from MOHA and other ministries and agencies to MOHR. The
              One Stop Centre (OSC) should be immediately transferred to MOHR.

              12.     The  Independent Committee  strongly  advocates  the  development  of a  rigorous
              feedback and whistleblower protection mechanism within the FWMS. This would include the
              workers complaints system. But more importantly, it must involve a formal periodical
              procedure, to be undertaken by an independent party, to evaluate the effectiveness and impact
              of the policy measures and administrative measures taken. The findings of this evaluation and
              recommendations for associated policy adjustments to be made, must be disclosed and

              13.     The Independent Committee strongly recommends that this Report in full
              should be made public.

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