Page 88 - BPAReport
P. 88


              1.      The  Independent Committee  expects that all  the recommendations for  a revamp  of the
              national foreign workers management system (NFWMS) will be taken on board by the
              Government and effectively implemented. The Committee believes the strategic framework
              underlying the policies to reform the NFWMS is a comprehensive and holistic one.
              Consequently, the Committee will stress that the government should refrain from an
              implementation program that is partial in nature, by avoiding or delaying the difficult parts
              that are likely to face resistance. If undertaken in this manner, the result is likely to be a
              return to the current directionless and dysfunctional system. The failure to act and
              demonstrate  political  will  to  fully  implement  the  recommended  reforms in  its  entirety  is  not
              an option.

              2.      The   Government    must   secure   sufficient  buy-ins  from  stakeholders,  manage
              effectively the stiff resistance and pushback from certain stakeholders and stay the course.
              From the Committee’s interaction with a whole range of stakeholders, we are able to
              determine that all stakeholders have high expectations that a comprehensive package of
              policy actions and a new direction is needed for an effective management of foreign workers.
              The Government is likely to face resistance from powerful vested interests, especially those
              who have knowingly participated in profiteering, rent seeking, monopolistic and nontransparent
              administrative   arrangements    at   the    expense    of   government,    employers    and
              workers. Resolute actions would be needed to identify any wrong doings and to seek redress.

              3.      The Independent Committee is aware that a proper set up of the NFWMS to enable it
              to be fully functional may likely require a protracted period of time. The Committee
              underlines that immediate steps must be taken to work  out an Interim Action Plan so that the
              current disruptions to the continued  and  urgent  needs of  industry for foreign workers may be
              eased and the production processes of the economy are not adversely affected.

              4.      Accordingly, immediate steps should be taken to bestow to MOHR sole responsibility
              for the NFWMS. This will require immediate Cabinet decisions, including the reversal or
              variations of previous decisions on responsibilities of other agencies in the area of foreign
              worker policies.

              5.      It is especially important that a strong implementation team be established by MOHR
              composed of  knowledgeable persons and  professionals  experienced in foreign  worker affairs.
              As the most complex part of the exercise will be the  building  of the end-to-end integrated
              online foreign worker application and  approval system, ICT  and systems  programmers should
              also be part of the team.

              6.      The government must provide the needed financial and human resources to launch the
              new NFWMS which should generate enough momentum and critical mass (the “big push”
              approach) to propel the accelerated development of the online system. At a later stage,
              resources will also be needed to enhance enforcement capabilities and procedures.

              7.      In the interim period, policy measures must also be taken to facilitate the evolution of
              the  NFWMS  to  its  end  goal.  For  example,  MOHR  should  unfreeze  the  currently  frozen
              service sectors and agree on mechanisms to add sub-sectors where labour shortages are
              critical, e.g. in old age home care and palliative clinics. MOHR should also begin to establish

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