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3.2     To prepare and submit proposals and recommendations to the Joint Committee
              formed by the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Human Resources on the policy
              and management of foreign workers in Malaysia (the Joint Committee).

              4.      Operating Procedures


              4.1     Meetings will be held as and when necessary and to be held confidentially. The
              quorum of the meeting shall consists of at least three (3) members including the Chairman or Deputy

              4.2     All meetings are to be chaired by the Chairman.

              4.3     In the absence of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman will act as the Substitute Chairman.


              4.4     The Secretariat to the Independent Committee will be the Institute of Labour Market
              Information and Analysis (ILMIA), Ministry of Human Resources.


              4.5     The Committee will submit its report to the Joint Committee. Thereafter the Joint
              Committee shall forward the Report to the Cabinet.

              Minutes of the Meeting

              4.6     Minutes  of  meetings  will  be  prepared  by  the  Secretariat  and  distributed  to all
              Committee members within three (3) working days for their review and to be approved in the
              next meeting.

              Advice on Policy and Law

              4.7 The Independent Committee Members may seek information and advice in writing on
              policy and legislation on  any matter relevant to its task from  all relevant Ministries including
              the Legal Advisers of the Ministries.

              5.      Reports

              5.1     The  report prepared by the Independent Committee  should take into account the views
              and  proposals  from  employers,  employees,  employers' unions,  trade  unions,  academics  and
              the public involved during the town hall sessions including views and suggestions submitted
              via email.

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