Page 93 - BPAReport
P. 93


              The Single Online Integrated Modules of the Foreign Worker Management System (FWMS)

                    I.  Overall Online System

              1.      The integrated online system will have separate modules covering PLKS workers,
              undocumented workers, foreign domestic workers, expatriates, foreign spouses, refugees and
              students/interns. The online PLKS worker system will be the largest component of the

              2.      All these online modules will automatically feed all relevant  information and data
              concerning foreign workers into a central database. This database will have the capability of
              generating “real time” Management reports “on demand” covering all aspects of development
              and evolution of foreign workers in Malaysia as well as the labour market information
              concerning foreign workers. This will allow a comprehensive monitoring of the contribution
              of foreign workers to the economy.

              3.      Urgent  attention  and  sufficient  financial  and  human  resources  must  be  allocated  to
              construct the single online foreign worker management system incorporating the required
              modules and linked to a centralised data warehouse accessible nationwide for management
              and monitoring foreign workers (starting with PLKS workers with extension progressively to
              cover other types of foreign workers). This online system is to be housed in and manage by

                    II.  The PLKS Online System

              4.      The integrated PLKS module will have interlinked segments covering:

                         The Application segment:
                         All eligible legitimate employers who want to employ foreign workers must be
                         registered in this single online application and approval segment and must
                         complete the standardised  online registration form associated with this system.
                         Standardised information will include especially the number of employees who
                         are Malaysians and those who are non-Malaysians. Employers will be assigned a
                         unique ID number. Employers shall make a standardised Statutory Declaration
                         that they comply with all Malaysian employment and other applicable laws,
                         regulations, guidelines and international norms.

                         The Approval segment:
                         The Multi-Tier Levy System agreed Dependency Ratio (DR) formulae will be the
                         primary  driver  of  the  approval  process.  OSCs  will  be  made  redundant.  Discretion
                         for decision making will be replaced by the online DR decision algorithm. The
                         aim is to provide approvals within 48 hours or earlier.

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