P. 63


               No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of
                                                                      achievement of

                                                Organise knowledge sharing
                                                session on the interpretation and
                                                application of the ATIPSOM Act and
                                                its new Amendments. (NAPTIP)

                                                Organise training for Investigating        National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                Officers (IOs) and Deputy Public
                                                Prosecutors (DPPs). (NAPTIP)

                                                Hold conference between
                                                enforcement agencies and
                                                prosecution. (NAPTIP)
                                                Hold conference between judges
                                                and prosecutors. (NAPTIP)

                                                Pursue cross border collaboration
                                                with foreign law enforcement to
                                                investigate or prosecute
                                                perpetrators in country of origin
                                                while prosecuting those in Malaysia.
                                                Conduct capacity building for
                                                enforcement officers in
                                                collaboration with relevant local and
                                                international agencies to increase
                                                understanding of ATIPSOM Act and
                                                on the National Guidelines on
                                                Human Trafficking Indicators
                                                (NGHTI) to identify victim of
                                                trafficking in persons in line with
                                                international standards. (NAPTIP)

                                                Organise local and foreign
                                                specialised trainings for IOs
                                                especially those in the specialised
                                                ATIP unit in collaboration with CSOs
                                                on topics such as:
                                                a) Victim-centred response; and
                                                b) Trauma-informed approach.
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